
Posts Tagged ‘protocol’

I bought potatoes yesterday to make potato skins to go with the Hanger steak I have. I was way too tired yesterday to do all of that so I ended up making bean and cheese tacos ftw.

I grabbed the soft corn tortillas yesterday at the food store while I was picking up other items needed for the potato skins. This quick dinner consisted of 6 corn tortillas, cheddar cheese, a can of refried beans (only used a small amount of it), 2 scallions, some frozen corn, avocado and sour cream. I took these out of the fridge and cabinets and went to work . My food was done in 10 minutes; it was great to be able to have a dinner option that I didn’t have to slave over for hours to eat!

BONUS: there were already neatly cut up components to this meal in containers for when M got home from work!! Score for me, and clearly him 🙂

I steamed the corn for a few minutes, nuked the beans, cut up my scallions and avocado, toasted the tortillas on a hot pan for 20 secondsish, grated the cheese right onto the top and plopped on some sour cream before I wrapped it up.

Thanks mom for mentioning refried beans and letting me steal the rest of your frozen corn :), then I figured out how to do this in almost no time.

It’s definitely not like this is rocket science, but when all familiar things are gone (or you think they are) it become almost foreign to eat without it being a giant production. I have to gear up to think about gluten free food. Not think thoughts like, “Since now I am eating gluten free everything I know and love is gone and I can’t have anything I like”. Waaaaaaaa.

There are still a ton of options for me and anyone else with food restrictions, sometimes we just need to get a little more creative.

Food restrictions are one of the toughest treatment protocols to follow.

Tell me to take nasty medicine, fine. Tell me to have a PICC line put in and inject myself with antibiotics everyday, fine. Tell me to get a spinal tap, fine. Tell me to take 45 pills a day, fine. Tell me to go to a minimum of 2 Doctors every week for YEARS, fine. Tell me not to eat gluten or dairy or whatever it is and “Oh, there is no way in hell I can deal with that!!” “It’s too hard, I can’t handle it”. Haha

I remember crying in a doctors office when they told me I should stop eating dairy because I couldn’t imagine my life without ice cream…..guess what I still haven’t given dairy up, oh lactaid pills I love thee. I know, I know, one day I will give up dairy fully, but for now gluten is the major enemy and I think I am finally in the right state of mind to build up my arsenal to fight this battle and win gracefully.


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